The company’s mission is:

  • Assistance in the formation and practical implementation the fundamental principles of the constituent elements and a highly competitive domestic meat industry.
  • Distribution in the World generated in Russia the knowledges, indicating the important intellectual contribution of Russia to the origin and development of Biosphere responsible thinking, theoretical principles and applied technologies prudent attitude to nature resources and animal raw materials.

The goals and objectives of the company:

  • This is leadership in manufacturing highly functional and technological ingredients on the basis of raw meat.
  • The spread in the industry and knowledge society, technology, principles processing of meat and production of meat products, the maximum coinciding with objective parameters achieve a high quality set of consumer properties, necessary to ensure choice of and access to meat products that comply with modern society.
  • A dissemination of objective knowledge about modern, science-based principles of healthy eating and indicators declared to indicate the usefulness of meat and meat products.
  • The confrontation with the spread of obscurantism in the consumer environment, the dissemination of objective knowledge about modern domestic meat sector, science-based criteria for assessing the quality of food development and improvement of technologies allows the production of a highly functional meat ingredients with unique properties, providing a high degree of organoleptic parameters of meat products.
  • The development of technologies allowing as much as possible to “reveal” the power of meat protein inherent by nature .
  • The development of exports the domestic goods of high economic redistribution, support for international cooperation in the field of exchange of technology and knowledge.